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14 to 28 September - International Environment Forum's annual conference

ebbf has partnered for many years as co-sponsor of ebbf's IEF annual conference, an excellent opportunity to be living ebbf's own core value of #Sustainability .

In the face of an accelerating sustainability crisis and an escalating climate emergency, the International Environment Forum stands as a critical gathering of minds committed to shaping our planet's future. As we confront unprecedented environmental challenges the urgency of our actions has never been clearer.

This forum is not just an event—it's a call to action, a platform where innovators, leaders, and visionaries will converge to explore sustainable pathways forward.

Here, we will address the pressing need for bold solutions, foster collaboration across borders, and ignite the transformative change essential for our collective survival and progress.

Now is the time to act, to innovate, and to redefine our relationship with the Earth before it’s too late. Join us in this pivotal moment as we pave the way for a sustainable future.

You can attend any or all of the four events which will take place online between 14 – 28 September 2024, alongside the UN Summit of the Future (SoTF). The overall topic of the conference is a World-embracing Vision for a Sustainable Future.


This is the link to the conference webpage which provides details about the speakers and each event:


Here is a brief overview:


Saturday, 14 September, 1pm EDT / 7pm CESTA vision for a Sustainable Future - a Conversation with YouthYoung people from around the world will share their perspectives on their vision for a sustainable future and will engage the audience of all ages in conversation. Register here:


Tuesday, 17 September, 11:30am EDT / 5:30pm CESTDeveloping a vision for global collaborationOffering insights from a Baha’i perspective, the panel discussion will revolve around transforming global governance toward a system that enables genuine global cooperation for human wellbeing and environmental sustainability.Register here:


Sunday, 22 September, 1pm EDT / 7pm CESTBuilding Futures in CommunitiesPanelists will reflect on Baha'i-inspired approaches to community building based on experiences with reforestation projects in Colombia and Iceland, coral reef rescue in Samoa, community gardening in Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, and relief work following recent flooding in Brazil.  Register here:


Saturday, 28 September, 1pm EDT / 7pm CESTWhere Do We Go from Here? - Deeds not WordsPanelists will report about and reflect on the Summit of the Future and discuss how IEF can apply Baha’i principles to the Summit outcomes and support any projects or initiatives launched.Register here:


The International Environment Forum thanks its conference co-sponsors, the Wilmette Institute, the US Baha'i Office of Public Affairs, and ebbf-Ethical Business Building the Future.


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