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3rd NOV - ebbf meaningful mornings, the power of questions

In this monthly community meeting of the series, hosted by #ebbfmember Rahmin Bender, we explore how the power of and the impact of questions on how we ponder our individual and collective reality. We will meet online and discuss what questions have arisen from the themes of the month and this will be a compliment to local in-person and online workshops and discussions throughout the year. This is a monthly space to discuss what we are learning, share experiences, and build understanding together around the topic of questions.

What is in the power of a question and how can it be a source for building change? A question is a seemingly simple construct in which we explore, challenge, and learn about our collective reality. Questions spark curiosity, fear, bravery, and will for change. We will continue to explore the topics at the intersection of the natural environment, social justice, fair economies, and relational well-being through the frame of societal, individual, and organizational questions.

Meaningful Mornings is a collaboration between Creativo Design, EBBF, EBBF NL,, Global Shapers Amsterdam Hub & Humanity in Action Nederland. FRIDAY 3rd of November 9 AM to 10 AM Amsterdam Time. CET

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