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#ebbf2013 – friday afternoon, what new business models are balancing economy and ecology?

How to design and implement a business model that creates wealth while serving humanity?

Arash Aazami – Founder/CEO of BAS, an energy company of the future whose focus lies on energy services rather than energy supply, shows how companies should be designed to last, based on business models that serve both economy and ecology. In an interactive presentation titled “Rethinking Energy” he lead us through the –sometimes radical- decisions he  had to make before his company became a serious alternative to energy supply companies.

Click here to view some photos of this session and the dynamic learnshops that took place after on  ebbf’s Facebook photo album, how to design a business model that creates sustainable wealth?

And you can always keep in touch following the #ebbf2013 hashtag on Twitter and other social media platforms.



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