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Italy – Paolo Russo shares his ebbf experience

Paolo Russo

Paolo Russo

Paolo Russo, an ebbf member who attended the annual conference 2014 in Barcelona, is a 31 years old Italian man proud of belonging to the Millennials generation, with several interests and friends spread out in different locations, passionate about people and international cultures. He is a financial advisor active in mergers & acquisition industry.

“EBBF is a reference point to me. It drove my behavior in several circumstances, especially in those connected to work, family and ethics. I have always received from EBBF members real support, strong feedback and true friendship. On top of this I was advised by EBBF members when I decided to launch a new initiative in the social entrepreneurship sector, together with a group of close friends. I felt really accompanied and mentored along the entire process. I perfectly remember the “AH- AH” moment I decided to dedicate efforts to my idea: it was during an EBBF conference after a brilliant session delivered by entrepreneurs. Generally speaking I recommend all my contacts to attend at least one EBBF international conference. It is a breath of fresh air in a dusty world.

He does what he does to be happy with himself. He is happier when doing something with a strong entrepreneurial spirit that brings benefits and prosperity to his home town. Once he crystallized this vision, he tried to find an initiative aligned with such principles, and after finding it, he started working on it. He would like to organize some meaningful conversations evenings, involving the international community living in Turin.


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