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Join ebbf’s next action lab in Geneva – january 12th and 13th

ebbf action lab geneva

ebbf’s ultimate purpose is to accompany mindful people wanting to contribute to a prosperous, just and sustainable civilization through their daily work.

Dedicated to fostering learning communities, ebbf has developed a “meaningful conversation” methodology that it is now extending beyond its international annual events to allow us to influence our own local communities. This January 12th, join us for the first local ebbf action lab in Geneva!

(and on January 13th you can find out how you can create you own ebbf action lab to bring change to your community – in a course for ebbf action lab hosts)

In light of today’s global challenges and increasingly questioned corporations’ behaviors, the urgent necessity for adopting a truly responsible business conduct is becoming crucial. Corporate conduct starts with each individual’s actions, and individuals’ actions start with each individuals’ assumptions and beliefs.

The question to each one of us is: how do I make my work meaningful?

Starting with a group of mindful people, we will engage in meaningful conversations and focus on how we can take action towards making our communities and our world a better place. This ebbf action lab is a communal collaborative effort where we all adopt a sit forward, pro-active posture of participation and ask how can each one of us make our work more meaningful?

This action lab is part of a series of several events that will engage in an conversation-action-reflection cycle. We will start by checking our assumptions, redefining our beliefs.

Then we will focus on taking actions as individuals before taking actions as communities.

Let us step into action and live ebbf’s vision of contributing to a prosperous, just and sustainable civilization through our daily work and activities; one conversation, one action, one community at a time.



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