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Paco Briseño ends a cycle of three action labs … over lunch with colleagues from the EIB, ESAD

LUXEMBOURG – Beyond being an ebbf member Paco is also an Impactory member, ESADE Alumni and HR Consultant at the European Investment Bank.  He initiated an Action Lab under the form of meaningful lunches with his community of Impactory social entrepreneurs and ESADE Alumni that work for the private sector and European institutions. Action Labs are an ebbf dynamic event methodology that run along a cycle of consultation, action and reflection. On the first condensed workshop the conversations were directed on ‘How to make your ideas happen‘, in the second on ‘collaboration’ and the third, final and most recent meaningful lunch (happened on the 11th of December) was on ‘leadership’.  These workshops were separated by about three weeks and during this time the participants of this Action Lab dedicated themselves to the action part of the cycle and committed to extend meaningful collaboration in their workplace. In the following workshop they reflected and consulted on their experiences. He shared a quote that was highlighted in the last session “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because they want to do it” – Eisenhower If you are interested on starting you own Action Lab visited the dedicated page:

A community and place where people come to build their business or work on a project that matters.



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