ebbf board member and International Environment Forum’s president Arthur Dahl together with a number of other ebbf members and IEF representatives will be holding a number of events in Paris during the #COP21 summit taking place in Paris. “We shall have an active presence at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) at Le Bourget in Paris, France, on 30 November-11 December 2015. The International Environment Forum is organizing three events in the Climate Generations area for civil society, and co-sponsoring a side event at the intergovernmental conference. The Baha’is are partnering in a side event on ethics at the intergovernmental conference, with an IEF member participating. Details on these events and reports will be posted on the IEF website during and after the conference. At least 10 IEF members will be part of our team in Paris.”
Ahead of the event we were inspired by a statement issued by the BIC specifically for this sustainability global conference, that we encourage you to view: Shared Vision, Shared Volition: Choosing Our Global Future Together Just some initial highlights from that statement include: “Anthropogenic climate change is not inevitable; humanity chooses its relationships with the natural world” and “A more balanced attitude toward the environment must therefore address human conditions as consciously as it does natural ones. It must be embodied in social norms and patterns of action characterized by justice and equity. On this foundation can be built an evolving vision of our common future together. And that vision, in turn, stands as a powerful mechanism for mobilizing action around the world and coordinating numerous efforts into mutually-reinforcing lines of action.”
Are you involved in #COP21 ? Would you like the ebbf members and IEF representatives attending to share your ideas and messages?