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The Netherlands – Arash Aazami founds BAS Foundation

Arash has moved away from BAS, the “boundary-breaking energy company”, which he founded five years ago to now found and chair the BAS Foundation.

BAS brought the pioneer business model, Path to Zero, in which an integrated solution was offered to customers to lead them towards energy independence, thus turning energy cost into value creation. The company was the first energy company in the world to accept Bitcoin as payment and won two categories at the 2014 MIT Climate CoLab Challenge.

Arash writes explaining why he leaves the company, after so many successes:

A company is a means to an end, and not a goal in itself. I specifically designed BAS to be a vehicle that would enable people to become energy-independent. The underlying concept is strong and proven, and will now be adopted by more and more energy companies. However, right now BAS is not in need of new innovative concepts. The focus should be on the execution of the Path to Zero. And it is because of this that I make room for new management.

In a recent trip to Niger, West Africa, Arash saw how 90% of the people in borsa do not have electricity grid connection and those who do have multiple power cuts per day. He writes

“With the aid of solar lamps we empowered hundreds of students to do their homework after sunset, and educate themselves.This has tremendous impact on their families. I learned that millions of people are in need of simple solutions that require minimal investment and maximal impact.”

And that is why he decided to found BAS Foundation where they will explore new solutions, new ways of independence-increasing empowerment for people around the world.

Click here to read his full post on LinkedIn.


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