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Warm welcome to recent ebbf members – contributing to building a new civilisation through thei

A very warm welcome to the latest group of individuals who joined ebbf with a desire to contribute to its vision. The most recent members now part of this international community of people passionate about finding ways to “contribute to a prosperous, just and sustainable civilization” through their daily work.

If you are an ebbf member, click on their profile link to view their profile and connect with them and any of the other 800 current and past members in over 60 nations you will find in the “ebbf members platform”.

As a member you are also invited to the “unlocking the potential of your ebbf membership” google hangout – join here if interested – Friday, 26th of January at 20:00 in Sydney = 10:00 (Milan, CET) = 14:30 (New Delhi)  = 17:00 (Beijing). You can also view other opportunities for interaction at ebbf events at the main ebbf event page here.

Stephanie Akkaoui Hughes – Amsterdam, Netherlands

stephanie akkaoui hughes

Stephanie is part of a new breed of young visionary architects, who operate beyond the nowadays restrained realm of architecture. “I don’t want to make architecture”, she says, “I want to use architecture”. After 5 years practicing at the renowned Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Stephanie is today heading the work of AKKA ARCHITECTS, a consultancy firm focused on elevating architecture beyond itself and towards larger issues of individuals & cultures, knowledge & education, research & development, social evolution, community growth and human development.

AKKA Architects are driven by the vision of Architecting Interaction©. Architecting Interaction is an ongoing exploration of human interactions on a scale of interventions. It investigates how can we design human environments that encourage, support and trigger interaction to create a communal experience of collaboration, cooperation and co-creation. Whatever we are engaged in designing, whether it is a product, a space or even a service, optimizing human interactions is always an added value. Whether you are a graphic designer, an architect, a cook, a bank manager or a nurse in a hospital, approaching your contribution from the perspective of Architecting Interaction, asking yourself how can I encourage human interactions will always bring an added value to your contribution. Every context should be architecting interactions, only to varying degrees. Architecting Interaction is beyond architecture. At the heart of AKKA Architects lies the dedication to enhance and innovate human interactions.

Originally from Lebanon she currently resides in Amsterdam and works between Europe and Qatar.

Werner Lang – Germany

werner lang

Werner is President of Mekra Lang GmbH, Lang Technics GmbH, Ing. Hans Lang GmbH, Lang Grundstücksverwaltung GbR.

He is also Member of Advisory Board of LEONI AG and Vice-President at Chamber of Commerce in Nuremberg.

He is interested in Values Based Leadership, Presentations & Seminars and Sustainability, and one of his burning issues is how to introduce moral values in Business and Leadership.

Stefano Giacomantonio – Milano, Italy

stefano giacomantonio

I am an entrepreneur interested in having a positive impact on society by hearing and sharing ideas that improve our positive influence. Currently Consumer & Market Knowledge Specialist at Bolton Alimentari Spa in Milan I enjoyed experiences as Dash and Duracell Assistant Brand Manager. Previously I was Communication Office Member at AIESEC in Italy and International Relation Office at JADE Italia.

I am interested in CSR, Social Innovations, Values Based Leadership, Sustainable Development, SRI, Spirit in Business, Entrepreneurship, Networking, PR & Communication, Web Site Development, SMEs, Publications, Human Resources, Organizational Behaviour, Youth & Young Professionals, Social Economic Development, Ethical Finance, Responsible Entrepreneurship, Business Ethics, Health and Business, Presentations & Seminars, Social Entrepreneurship, Fair Trade, Sustainability and Intercultural sensitivities.

Flavia Campagna – Rome, Italy

flavia campagna

Flavia recently graduated from Università La Sapienza di Roma, She was invited to ebbf as a “birthday gift” from ebbf member Stefano Giacomantonio.

Flavia is interested in Equal opportunities for women & men, Networking and Human Resources.

Peiman Motallebi – Haifa, Israel

peiman motallebi

Peiman is serving at the Bahá’í World Centre and he is interested in CSR, Equal opportunities for women & men, Social Innovations, Values Based Leadership, SRI, Spirit in Business and Entrepreneurship.


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