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What stood out for you producing the #discoveringhow ebbf podcast? Bahai Blog interviews Jean Parker

Baha’i Blog: Is there anything that you’ve found really interesting, or that has stood out to you so far while working on these podcasts?

“The commitment of many people to act on their values yet still achieve success, even if it takes a long time. Also, the risks people are willing to take in order to try something new, and to leave the world a better place than it was when they found it.”

Baha’i Blog: What do you hope listeners will take away with them?

“Hope. The negative elements of the world are unnaturally amplified in all aspects of social interaction. At some point we have to turn our attention to creating solutions. In the current configuration, business holds many of the resources to make that happen. So I want listeners to know that there are people, some of them highly placed, who are innovating everything from how people collaborate, finding nobility in business and how corporations can be structured with fairness to all stakeholders. Naturally, the spiritual aspects of work and business are prominent in the interviews, and I always learn so much about how to integrate spiritual belief into our professional lives. When I reflect on our episodes, it’s like the first glimpse of Baha’u’llah’s vision of human prosperity.”


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